O dronă ucraineană tocmai a lovit o centrală electrică din orașul rusesc Belgorod, aflat la granița cu Ucraina, relatează Visegrad 24. O parte din oraș nu are curent electric.
Localnicii spun că au auzit o explozie cu puțin timp înainte de incendiu.
Autoritățile ruse nu au comentat încă acest lucru. Nu ar fi prima oară când localitatea rusă ar avea de suferit direct ca urmare a războiului.
— АЗОВ South (@Azovsouth) April 16, 2023
Its such a sleepless night for the people of 🇷🇺 #Belgorod pic.twitter.com/KyMYaN35ey
It is reported about a fire at one of the electrical substations in #Belgorod and problems with electricity in the city center.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) April 16, 2023
Locals report hearing an explosion shortly before the fire. Preliminary, it is about a drone attack.
The official authorities have not yet commented… pic.twitter.com/A5ebryUOTc
— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) April 16, 2023
A Ukrainian drone just struck a power plant in the Russian city of Belgorod.
Parts of the city are without electricity.
🇺🇦 pic.twitter.com/FAbsvJ8936
#Russian media report a massive fire at the #Belgorod Thermal Power Plant.
— Geoff' The Frenchy Fella – War News 🇺🇦 (@Geoff_WarNews) April 16, 2023
They suggest that the fire was probably caused by a #Ukrainian drone. The city has partially lost power.
Who did that #NAFOfellas ? 🤣#Russia #Ukraine #News #NAFO
Src: https://t.co/xUXYEd7H2o pic.twitter.com/twXFW8eTZ5